People don’t care anymore

Chris Perkles
2 min readOct 11, 2021

Right now, things are as usual going crazy. The pandemic thing is still on, people get forced to vaccinate, the energy prices rise, the whole supply chain is wrecked, shortages everywhere, inflation is rising, people are getting more divided by the day.. and the list goes on. So I guess a little bit more is going than usual.

I really like to talk about these topics, I’d like to be informed, so that I know (or just grasp) on what’s about to come and what I need to be prepared for. The last years I always could find a way to talk with people about one or the other topic. But nowadays, it gets extremly hard to find people who wanna deal with the current state of the world. Even my friends, when I start to talk about these topics they just nod and don’t really respond to anything what I’m saying. And mostly I’m just telling some random news stories of the day not even complex shit what I think is going on. A friend told me, he just doesn’t care anymore. What I observe is, that a lot of people just wanna continue their comfortable live and avoid pain as much as possible. In our western culture, science and businesses in the last decades strived for maximal comfort for their customer, they didn’t want them to be happy they wanted them to be comfortable and buy more shit. And here is the big difference, comfortable ≠ happiness. It’s a long and hard way to a lasting happy life, but it’s way easier to make people feel comfortable. That’s one of the things that pisses me of in this society, nobody wants to suffer anymore, nobody wants to stand up for their values when it gets hard (most people even lack values).

In a world where sense making gets more important by the day to navigate this hell of a state. It feels like a lot of people just surrender and fall into a early stage of information nihilism.



Chris Perkles

I write about photography, communication and things that cross my mind //